You can obtain the complete Terms of use from Skynam by requesting them by email.


Equipment provided by Skynam ceases to be under his responsibility as soon as the material leaves the confines of the company, either by direct removal by the customer or by carrier. This responsibility is then fully transferred to the customer.

Ownership transfer

Equipment provided by Skynam remains the possession of Skynam until full payment of amounts owed by the customer. Customer agrees to return such equipment to Skynam in its original state as soon as Skynam demands for non payment in full or partial.

Professional discounts

Rebates are only granted to professional motorists who buy the equipment for resale.
The acceptance of these rebates implies the absence of “basic” support. Of course, we are always at your disposal to answer your more sharper questions.
The only contact of the company Skynam for everything concerning equipment resold by a professional is the professional and not the final customer.


Although our equipment is manufactured, tested, stored and packed with the greatest care, Skynam gives no warranty on racing equipment.
Indeed, as installation of equipment is not made by Skynam, our company cannot guarantee its proper use.


The racing equipment for automotive vehicles, motorcycles or boats, is exclusively used for that purpose.
It is not designed to pass the emission standards required for use in standard vehicles or road.
Its use is prohibited on the road, for not conforming to rules of the road.